Having completed work in over 120 Academic Facilities throughout Connecticut in over four decades, LaRosa Building Group is the Contractor of choice for Academic and Institutional Projects.
Click Here for a complete list of Academic and Institutional Projects.

Special care and expertise must be applied to the rehabilitation of historic structures when encountering antiquated and potentially hazardous building materials and bringing the structure up to current building standards without compromising its integrity. LaRosa has successfully completed projects where either the building was listed on State and/or National Historic Registers, or the project was within a historic district.
Click Here for a full list of our Historic Rehabilitation Projects.

Colebrook Town Hall
Colebrook, CT
This unique project began with the careful disassembly and storage of an “historic” barn on the site. Construction then proceeded on a new 8,500 SF town hall facility which incorporated components of the old barn into interior finishes in major common areas to create the feeling of being inside of the old barn. A 3-story “silo” was constructed to house the elevator required in this fully ADA compliant facility. All work was done in strict accordance with historic register guidelines.
Project Gallery