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The Power of Gratitude: Expressing our Thanks during the 2022 Holiday Season

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

GRATITUDE - This simple 9-letter word, from the Latin root gratus, is a tangible way to acknowledge the good in our lives and connect to something larger than just ourselves. According to psychology research, gratitude is associated with greater happiness and is

uplifting…another 9-letter word.

Gratitude is something we may feel all year but do not always take the time to verbally

express or put it into writing. It is often considered the spiritual basis of Thanksgiving, an

opportunity to enjoy fabulous food with friends and family but also to communicate our

appreciation for all the good things in our lives.

We’ll start by sharing our gratitude to our clients who entrust us with their projects. We

are proud to be your construction company of choice and look forward to future projects

together. THANKS for GIVING us the opportunity to see your projects to completion.

We are grateful for the many new projects we have been working on together in 2022.

Most of the projects are complete, and others are still in the process, including:

✅ Choate Rosemary Hall – Choate

✅ ⁠Crown Simsbury – Crown Equities

⁠✅ G.W Carver Apartments – New London Housing Authority

⁠⁠✅ Pliny St Housing – My Sister’s Place

✅ Parkside Gables – Connecticut Housing Partners

✅ MLK Stamford – Martin Luther King Apartments LLC

We are also grateful to share the partial list of our pending 2023 projects:

✅ Adams Street – Waterbury

✅ ⁠MLK New Haven-New Haven

⁠✅ MLK Hartford-Hartford

⁠⁠✅ McConaughy Terrace – New Haven

✅ Elm City Scattered Sites – New Haven

Our client’s overall satisfaction with our work ethic, occupational skills, and a strong

sense of responsibility is a source of deep professional satisfaction. But winning an

award for a project by a professional organization is the ultimate compliment and a

tremendous source of gratitude.


2022 has been our year for AWARD-WINNING PROJECTS, beginning with the

Rockview Phase II project which was awarded first place on June 14th in the large Multi-

Family/Mixed use/Large category by the Connecticut Building Congress (CBC) for

project team excellence.

Click HERE to learn more about Rockview Phase II.

Recently, we also won a 2022 Excellence in Construction Award from the Associated

project, which was initiated in September 2019 and completed during the height of the



The pandemic added an unforgettable layer of challenges to this project. But there were

additional extenuating circumstances, including the challenge of working in an occupied

building, synchronizing the setup of the new dispatch center to avoid 911 service

disruption, and coordinating with the utility vendors to relocate the gas and telephone

lines. There were 68 change orders which totaled $1.4 million. But even with the change

orders, the project came in under budget and was completed four months ahead of


From the innovative approach to overcoming obstacles, navigating unforeseen circumstances, transitioning to a hybrid form of communication, promoting productivity, and revising schedules to keep everyone safe, we proactively completed the Windsor Police Department project under budget and ahead of schedule. That was impressive and made our project award-worthy. - James LaRosa, CEO, LaRosa Groups

Promoting safety has always been a high priority for LaRosa; it was a proud moment when we achieved a 2022 STEP Diamond level by the CT ABC for our STEP-safety management system. As a participating ABC member, we measured our safety processes and policies on 25 key components through a detailed questionnaire with the goal of implementing or enhancing safety programs to reduce job site incidents. And we did.

Safety for all is paramount at LaRosa and is one of our five core values. Our concern for safety begins before the first shovel hits the ground and is a driving force in our strategic planning; we continue anticipating any potential safety issues until the project is completed. - Scot Thomas, Project Manager, LaRosa Groups

We would be remiss for not expressing our gratitude to our partners, the architects,

owners, energy consultants, government agencies, and subcontractors. It is through the

collaborative process and their investment of time, talent, and professionalism that we

can achieve success.


And last but not least, we would like to publicly share our gratitude for our staff, the

valuable team members who make LaRosa Building Group an award-winning team.

You rallied during the pandemic and found resourceful ways to stay safe and still

complete the projects on time and under budget. You approach your jobs with total

professionalism, compassion, and enthusiasm. You work well with each other, and it is

because of you that we are who we are today.

It feels good to give thanks. May we all find ways to positively communicate our

gratitude on more than one opportunity during the coming year. Happy Thanksgiving to



For more information about our company or to learn how we can help you with

your next project, visit


Click HERE to learn more.

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